How Much Is Jared Golden Worth?

May 2024 · 4 minute read


Jared Golden net worth-American politician, Jared Forrest Golden was born on July 25, 1982, in Lewiston, Maine in the United States of America.

How much is Jared Golden worth?

Jared Golden has a net worth estimated to be from about $1 million to $5 million as of 2023. He is believed to have made his wealth from his political duties.

Jared Golden salary

Jared Golden receives an annual salary of $150085 from his political roles. As a member of the Maine House of Representatives, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Blue Dog Coalition, he received compensation for his services.

Golden is paid $174,000 a year as a U.S. House Representative. In addition, he is entitled to a number of perks, including health insurance, pensions, and travel expenses.

Jared Golden has also expanded his sources of income outside of his salary as a congressman. He has received income from speaking engagements and book royalties, among other sources. Additionally, he has raised money through campaign contributions from people and businesses.


Jared Golden assets

As of the time of filing this report, we have no details about Jared Golden’s assets and lifestyle.

Jared Golden career

In 2013, Golden went back to work for the Maine Legislature’s House Democratic Office in Maine. In 2014, Golden, a Democrat, ran for and won a seat in the Maine House of Representatives, where she currently serves a portion of Lewiston.

In 2016, he was elected again. In the next parliamentary session, Golden was promoted to Assistant Majority Leader of the House. Golden presided over both the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules and the Elections Committee.

Golden declared his intention to challenge Bruce Poliquin for the 2nd congressional district of Maine in the US House of Representatives on August 24, 2017.

He was victorious in the Democratic primary on June 20, 2018, overtaking both environmentalist Lucas St. Clair and bookshop entrepreneur Craig Olson.

Golden was behind Poliquin by 2,000 votes on election night. Since neither candidate received a majority of the vote, the votes cast for independents Tiffany Bond and William Hoar were to be reallocated to either Poliquin or Golden based on the voters’ second choice under Maine’s recently enacted ranked-choice voting system.


Golden was overwhelmingly picked as the second choice by the independents’ supporters, which helped him upset Poliquin by 3,000 votes after the results were totaled. Since 1916, he has been the first challenger to overthrow an incumbent in the district.

In 2020, Golden sought reelection and easily prevailed in the Democratic primary. Former Maine Representative Dale Crafts was his opponent as a Republican.

In 2022, Golden sought reelection and easily prevailed in the Democratic primary. He competed against independent Tiffany Bond, who also ran for the 2nd congressional district seat in 2018, and former Republican congressman Bruce Poliquin, whom he just defeated in 2018.

The sworn-in date of Golden was January 3, 2019. As he had promised to do throughout his campaign, he voted for Representative Cheri Bustos of Illinois instead of Democratic Caucus nominee Nancy Pelosi during the election for Speaker of the House.

Golden has the lowest percentage of any Democratic caucus member, voting in accordance with Joe Biden’s declared viewpoint 85.7% of the time as of August 2022.

Golden voted in favor of H.R. 497, the Freedom for Health Care Workers Act, on January 31, 2023, along with seven other Democrats. This bill would remove the requirement that healthcare workers receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Golden was one of twelve Democrats who voted in favor of a proposal to terminate the COVID-19 national emergency on February 1, 2023.

Together with Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, Golden was one of just two House Democrats who voted with Republicans on May 24, 2023, to defeat President Biden’s plan to eliminate student loan debt.

Golden cast a vote in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act on December 8, 2022, which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and provide federal protection for same-sex and interracial unions.

Golden voted with the majority of House Republicans on July 14, 2023, along with four other Democrats to pass the annual military policy bill, which included a ban on Pentagon funding for transgender and abortion procedures.



