What can hurt the Phoenix Force?

May 2024 ยท 6 minute read

Marvel Confirmed 9 Characters Who Can Kill the Phoenix - But How Is That Possible?

What is the Phoenix Force weakness?

1 Weakness: Shi'ar Technology

Even with near-godlike power, Dark Phoenix and the Phoenix Force are somewhat susceptible to certain forms of alien technology.

Can anything defeat the Phoenix Force?

Odin's sword alone could destroy the universe. That alone increases the chance he could beat the Phoenix in a fight. Literally a god, Odin The All-Father makes enormous mistakes but does tend to rule much more benevolently and with a better head on his shoulders than the raw Phoenix force.

What is the Phoenix Force capable of?

The Phoenix Force possesses limitless cosmic energy. With or without a host, it is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe, capable of existing in any plane, time-line or dimensional existence.

Can Wanda destroy the Phoenix Force?

Though Wanda's powers may be able to negate the power of the Phoenix, the cosmic firebird is not so simply destroyed. It can move between hosts or even split itself to be combat threats. When the phoenix leaves a host, it releases a fragment of its power, a literal flame to be reborn from incase of destruction.

Too Powerful For Marvel Movies: The Phoenix Force/The White Phoenix

Is Jean Grey or Wanda stronger?

Jean Grey with her Phoenix Force, can easily win against Wanda. Her powers are great and Wanda just can't face the cosmic forces on that level. Coming to their powers taking a toll on their mental health, if Jean ever gets on the worse side, she will still be powerful with that immense help from the Phoenix Force.

Who can beat Dark Phoenix in DC?

15 Beings Who Could Annihilate Dark Phoenix

Can celestial beat Phoenix Force?

While one Celestial can be defeated, a host is an entirely different prospect. Three Celestials managed to kill Galactus, and as the Phoenix is no more or less powerful than him multiple Celestials could kill her host, not sure if it is possible to destroy the phoenix force itself.

Who is more powerful than the Phoenix Force?

10 More Powerful: The Living Tribunal

Not even Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet can defeat them, as seen in the comic version in which The Living Tribunal nullifies the Stones with a single thought. They may not be able to remove The Phoenix Force from existence, but they certainly can seal it away.

Is the Phoenix Force stronger than the Infinity Gauntlet?

The Infinity Gauntlet is the ultimate weapon to be wielded by Thanos, though, which will give him the advantage against the Phoenix Force. Without the Gauntlet, Phoenix would win this round, but with it Thanos is near unstoppable.

Can Scarlet Witch beat Phoenix Force?

Scarlet Witch has the ability to resist the Phoenix Force and can cause pain to its hosts. When Cyclops killed Professor X, he took on the persona of the Dark Phoenix, forcing Wanda and Hope Summers to join their powers and take him down.

Who can destroy Phoenix Force?

Marvel Confirmed 9 Characters Who Can Kill the Phoenix - But How Is That Possible?

Can Jean Grey control the Phoenix?

Jean Grey is the only person to control the Phoenix Force as they are, ultimately, the same entity. In other avatars, the Phoenix controls them.

Can Magneto beat Phoenix?

Magneto is more experienced, more skilled, more trained, more hardened, and more effective against his opponent than Jean Grey (without the Phoenix Force) could ever be. And thus, he could kill her. Undoubtedly, Magneto could overpower Jean Grey without the Phoenix Force.

Can Superman beat Phoenix?

Against Superman, however, even the Phoenix Force would likely find its match. The immense heat generated by the Phoenix Force would do little to permanently harm Superman, who draws his power from the yellow sun.

Which Avenger can beat Dark Phoenix?

Who is more powerful than Dark Phoenix? 14 Molecule Man. As powerful as the Beyonder, Molecule Man has not only saved the entire Marvel universe but also recreated it, proving that he's more powerful than the Phoenix.

Can Raven beat Jean Grey?

Raven has an array of abilities and is so powerful that, without the Phoenix Force, she arguably surpasses Jean Grey. The Cambion is a demon-human hybrid who, like Jean, has also displayed telekinetic and telepathic powers.

Is Jean Grey Omega level without Phoenix?

X-Men: 10 Times Jean Grey Earned Her Status As An Omega-Level Mutant. Even without the cosmic power of the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey is one of the most powerful X-Men, and these moments prove she's an omega level mutant.

Is Star Lord a Celestial?

Portrayed by. Peter Jason Quill is a Celestial-Human hybrid who was abducted from Earth in 1988 by the Yondu Ravager Clan, and raised as one of their members, eventually building a reputation as the notorious intergalactic outlaw Star-Lord.

Who can defeat one above all?

The One-Above-All can be beaten by the living manifestation of Marvel.

Is the Phoenix Force stronger than chaos magic?

4 More Powerful: The Phoenix Force

Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic is a joke in front of the Phoenix Force, given that the latter can effortlessly absorb it, reshape it and send it back to Wanda.

Can Ghost Rider beat the Phoenix?

The Phoenix can't really be fought or defeated, but it looks like the Ghost Rider's attacks prove to be one of the cosmic entity's weaknesses. It's not enough to defeat it just yet, but it could turn out to be an important advantage over the Phoenix.

Can Flash beat Jean Grey?

The Flash is a heavy hitter in any universe. Powered by the Speed Force, he can move at the speed of light if he needs to, throw a thousand punches in a second, and even run into other universes. All of this power won't do him any good against Jean.

Who is the strongest mutant?

Franklin Richards is the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe. The History of the Marvel Universe #3 series chronicles the history of the Marvel worlds, from the Big Bang to the twilight of existence, attempting to answer some of the important questions fans have had over the years.
