Take a Look at Lisa Corduff Life after her Husband Nick Corduff Death

May 2024 · 7 minute read

Lisa Corduff is a podcaster, a presenter, and a food blogger. Lisa is also an Australian holistic mentor who helps women gain power via networking and having candid conversations.

She is the founder of The Change Room, a three-month lifestyle change program for women with a lot on their plates.

For ladies seeking more than a picture-perfect life and superficial living, she also offers the podcast Conversation With Lisa.

This Article Contents

Lisa Corduff’s life after Nick’s passing: A Journey of Grief and Growth

The passing of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. This is especially true for Lisa Corduff, who lost her husband Nick Corduff in 2019. Nick’s passing was a sudden and unexpected event that left Lisa and her three children reeling from grief.

In the months and years following Nick’s passing, Lisa has been on a journey of grief and growth. She has spoken openly about her experiences and the challenges she has faced in the wake of Nick’s passing. Through her struggles, Lisa has shown resilience and determination and has used her experiences to help other women who are going through similar struggles.

One of the ways Lisa has coped with her grief is by being open and honest about her emotions. She has shared that it is okay to not be okay and has encouraged others to allow themselves to experience their emotions, no matter how unpleasant they may be. This has allowed Lisa to process her grief in a healthy and constructive way.

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Another way Lisa has coped is through her work. She is the founder of The Change Room, a three-month lifestyle change program for women with a lot on their plates. Through this program, Lisa has been able to help other women who are going through similar struggles. She has also started a podcast, “Conversation with Lisa,” where she candidly shares her experiences and offers advice to others who are going through difficult times.

Lisa’s story is a testament to the fact that even in the darkest of times, it is possible to find hope, strength, and purpose.

Lisa Corduff Raising her Children after the Loss of a husband Nick

Becoming a single parent is a challenging and often overwhelming experience. This is especially true for Lisa Corduff, who lost her husband Nick in 2019 and has been raising her three children alone since then. Lisa’s journey as a single parent has been a challenging one, but she has shown strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

One of the biggest challenges for Lisa has been the emotional toll of raising her children without Nick by her side. She has spoken openly about the grief and sadness she has experienced since his passing and how it has affected her ability to parent her children. Despite this, Lisa has made a conscious effort to provide a stable and loving environment for her children and has been able to find joy and happiness in her role as a mother.

Another challenge for Lisa has been the practical aspects of single parenting. She has had to take on the responsibilities of both parents and has had to navigate the day-to-day challenges of raising children alone. This has meant juggling work, household responsibilities, and child-rearing all on her own. Despite these challenges, Lisa has been able to make it work and has been able to provide for her children financially and emotionally.

Despite the challenges, Lisa has also found many rewards in her journey as a single parent. She has spoken about the joy and love she feels for her children and how proud she is of them. She has also been able to find purpose and fulfillment in her role as a mother. Additionally, the emotional growth that she has experienced, has allowed her to be more open and understanding toward her children, allowing them to grow up with better emotional intelligence.

The Corduff Children’s Experience of Growing Up Without a Father

The children of Lisa Corduff, Elliot, Mimi, and April, have had to navigate life after the loss of their father, Nick Corduff. Nick’s passing in 2019 was a sudden and unexpected event that left the family reeling with grief. In the years since, Elliot, Mimi, and April have had to come to terms with the loss of their father and have had to navigate the emotional and practical challenges that come with growing up without a parent.

Elliot, Lisa’s oldest child, was born in Sydney and will start high school next year. As a family, they have a weekly tradition called Waffle Wednesday, where they go to a nearby cafe together and enjoy waffles.

On their last Waffle Wednesday together before Elliot starts high school, Lisa shared with her kid’s things that impressed her about each of them, as a way to remind them of the unique qualities they possess and to encourage them to keep developing them.

Mimi, Lisa’s middle child, was also born in Sydney and has a love for music, she is a talented singer and songwriter. April, Lisa’s youngest child, was born in Brisbane and has a passion for art she has been developing her skills in painting and drawing.

Lisa Corduff’d former husband Nick Corduff, What happened to him?

Lisa Corduff and Njcke Corduff were a happily married couple. They had a happily settled family until Nick’s death in 2019.

Nick Corduff, Lisa Corduff’s spouse, has been gone from her life since 2019. When Nick Corduff visited Sydney, he worked for Qantas.

The businesswoman behind Small Steps of Living has spent the previous few years enduring excruciating sadness as a result of her partner’s passing.

September 2019 saw the passing of Nick Corduff. While on vacation in India, Lisa Corduff’s husband, Nick, suddenly passed away.

Nick Corduff and Lisa Corduff had been partners for sixteen years.

Lisa and their three kids were left behind by him.

His passing was revealed by Lisa Corduff in a post on her Facebook page:

I knew I’d be in Bali with my kids for my 40th. But I didn’t know we’d all be grieving.

For all the things I’m grateful for in the last 40 years, nothing has impacted my life more than loving and being loved by Nick.

Any strength you see in me, any resilience, or any depth – most likely all forged because I was lucky enough to love him in this lifetime.

A week ago we learned of his passing while holidaying in India.

I’ve been grieving the loss of our marriage this year, but nothing could have prepared me for grieving the finality of his death.

He was and will always remain in our hearts an extraordinary human.

There are no words for the sadness I feel that the kids will grow up without him in their lives. It’s just… beyond.

My understanding of death is holding me in good stead and I accept the waves of grief. But navigating the kids is a whole new ball game. Lucky we have extraordinary support.

He has been so present in this business – he was my biggest cheerleader. He appeared in programs, countless social posts, Facebook lives, podcast episodes. If you’ve been here a while, it was to know Nick too.

He grew me.

We loved hard.

And I will miss him.

I cannot respond to messages at this time. I’m busy turning 40 in Bali and enjoying the company of his greatest legacies as we experience the coexistence of grief and joy ❤️.

Who is Nick Corduff?

Nick Corduff was a loving husband and father of three children. He was the spouse of Lisa Corduff, a podcaster, food blogger, and Australian holistic mentor. Nick and Lisa had been partners for sixteen years before his passing in 2019. He was known to be a supportive and caring partner, and his presence was felt in many aspects of Lisa’s life, including her business and podcast.

Nick worked for Qantas and was an experienced professional in the airline industry. Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for his family and was actively involved in the lives of his three children.

Nick was known for being a devoted father who always put his family first. He was a positive influence on his children and played a vital role in shaping them into the individuals they are today.

Nick’s passing was a great shock to his family and friends. He passed away suddenly while on vacation in India with his family. The news of his passing came as a great shock, and his loss was deeply felt by those who knew him.
